
Sunday, May 23, 2010

My 1st Tutorial: Homemade Masks!

For this tutorial, you will need: A permanent marker, Scissors, acetate (I get my acetate from packages such as the cuttlebug packages), 2 way glue, an ink blending tool, and the image you want to trace. In this case, I used part of a butterfly from Tim Holtz's grungeboard "Plain Elements."

You can use any image either from your cricut, hand-drawn or like me from chipboard or grungeboard. You can get as intricate as you want but just remember you have to cut out the image's tiny pieces (I don't have the deep cut housing for the cricut so I am not sure if the cricut will cut acetate. That would be interesting to know).

Step 1: Place your image on the acetate.
Step 2: Trace the image using your permanent marker.
Step 3: Cut out your image.
Step 4 (Optional): Retrace your image again for a mirror image mask if needed.
Step 5: Use your 2 way glue to cover one side of your image. This will keep your image stationary during the inking process.
Step 6: Wait for the glue to dry. If you do have a mirror image or multiple images to do, you can trace and cut those out while another image is drying. Note: If the glue is still even a tiny bit wet when you use it, it will tear your paper so make sure it is absolutely dry.
Step 7: Place image/images glue side down onto your paper or whichever material you are using. Use your ink blending tool to apply ink all around your image like you would a store bought mask.
Step 8: Once you are done applying the ink/inks, remove your mask/masks and TA DA!! Your image!! My recommendation is to do it somewhat slowly and to not pull them off to quickly.
When you are done using your mask. Wipe off the top and place your image on to either another piece of acetate or sticker paper.

Have fun and I hope this helped you out!!! Have a great day!
Check out my refurbed clipboard to see where my mask butterfly went! =)


  1. Great tutorial! I need to learn how to do inking. Yours looks beautiful and enjoyed reading your instructions. Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. Great idea!!! And much more cost efficient!


Thanks for your comments and stopping by my blog! It is so nice to read what you think!! Have a great day! =)