
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Now taking orders!

I have put some items on here for sale. If you scroll through the more recent posts you will find all sorts of things that you can buy. You can also order anything custom. Feel free to browse. If you have any questions, would like more information or want to place an order, contact me at or leave a comment here with your information so that I may get a hold of you. =)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I was just wandering through my "following these blogs" list and ran into all of the projects you've been creating and selling!

    Brilliant! Everything is WONDERFUL!

    Keep it up! Also, if I run into people looking for handmade creations I'll point them your way. :)


Thanks for your comments and stopping by my blog! It is so nice to read what you think!! Have a great day! =)