
Friday, July 23, 2010

"Carson" Baby Sign

I received an order to do a Baby Sign to match the new baby's nursery. It is going to be a surprise for the new mommy. I was given a few photos to use. It had such cute inspiration. This is what I came up with. I used New Arrival, Animal Kingdom, and Dinosaur Tracks. I also used Mod Podge Gloss to seal the sign. I hope you like it!! =)

The giraffe is from New Arrival and I customized it by adding the snout and the spots.

The palm trees are from Dinosaur Tracks. I added the coconuts. It just isn't a palm tree with out them  lol! 

My monkey inspiration.

The monkey is from New Arrival. Just a little customizing went in to him.

This is a name sign already in the nursery. I love Polka Dots! 

"The baby's bedding that  I matched the sign to."

The tiger is from Animal Kingdom and I again customized it by adding paws, a tummy, and a tail.

The frog is from New Arrival but I only used the head. The body was hand drawn to match the frog on the blanket. The elephant is also from New Arrival and not very much customizing done there.

Thanks for looking! Have a great day! =)

Custom orders available

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