
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Photo Editing for FREE!!

So, I found this FREE photo editing site from Lisa over at re:Inspire. She has a few more editing sites but this is the one I got to first. I am in dire need of anything to help with my photos. I thought since I had the time I would sit down and try to figure this out. I think it is amazing and fairly easy to use! The site is called Picnik. You just create an account for free and get started. Here is the a pic I used to demo. It is from when my hubby and I went to the pumpkin patch last year. I think it turned out not too, too bad for my first.



WOW! What a difference!! Anyway, I just wanted to pass this little piece of advice on to anyone who is looking for better photos! Have fun!!! 


Thanks for your comments and stopping by my blog! It is so nice to read what you think!! Have a great day! =)