
Monday, July 26, 2010

I Won! I Won!

I follow this super cute blog called And Everything Sweet She is super talented. She does a lot of cakes, treats, and decor which are all incredibly cute. Anyway, she saw a cupcake stand in a boutique and thought she would make her own. Then she decided to do a giveaway. She had made a few cupcake stands and you had to leave a comment and let her know which one was your favorite. So I entered the giveaway and because of my love of polka dots and pink, I had to pick the pink and  black polka dot stand!! 

And, you will never guess...your right...I WON!!! I am so very excited and grateful! Plus she linked to my blog. Isn't that nice? I thought so too! Here is the link to the cupcake stand *HERE*. Just had to share my exciting news. =) WOOHOO...okay I am done now!!

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