
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Our New Home!

Another chapter of our lives is coming to and end this Saturday, May 7, 2011. My husband is graduating from University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry!! This has been a long time coming! We are moving this weekend after graduation (if the house is ready; I pray the house will be ready) close to our hometown. We did not want to be pressured into buying a home just because we had to be back in the area and working. So, we decided to rent a little while longer.Within the next year or so, we hope to buy a home of our very own.

Currently, we are living in a tiny one bedroom apartment. It is, at the moment, packed to the ceiling with boxes. Sitting on the couch one night, we said to each other, "How on earth did we fit all of this stuff in here?" That question remains unanswered.

We found a 3bedroom, 2bath & 3car garage that is new construction. That is amazing to be renting a home no one has ever lived in! I am ecstatic about having a garage! I will finally have my own crafting room and my husband will finally have his own fishing storage. 

Here is a peek at our new home!
We went to check out the home on a dark rainy night. So, don't worry, that is not snow (Thank God).

 Front Entry

 Family Room



Rental Home, Sweet Rental Home!

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