
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wedding Programs with Fabric Rosette

I am SO excited to finally post all of this wedding goodness. It was only 9 months ago that one of my closest and dearest friends called me {I lived in Chicago at the time}to tell me she was engaged and asked me if I would be a part of her very special day. I was so honored to be her bridesmaid and couldn't be happier for her. 

I brought up the topic of helping her with her wedding. She was elated that I asked. She had such a vision for her wedding day. I just helped bring it to life. 

So, for the first of {MANY} wedding posts to come, here is the first creation.

Her wedding program! 


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Memorial on the backside to remember those that were there with them in spirit.


Custom orders available!

1 comment:

  1. Look Elegant!!

    I am a new follower !! Spare few minutes to visit my blog and Say a Hai!!



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